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Latest posts by lindseyj79
Subject Views Posted 551 07-26-2024 08:36 AM 604 07-26-2024 04:42 AM 609 07-26-2024 04:39 AM 712 07-25-2024 04:54 AM 603 04-20-2024 12:08 PM 691 04-19-2024 06:09 PM 1175 02-05-2018 09:45 AM 1183 02-05-2018 06:42 AM 1273 02-02-2018 07:27 AM -
Activity Feed for lindseyj79
- Posted Re: SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on on SAS Programming. 07-26-2024 08:36 AM
- Liked Re: SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on for Tom. 07-26-2024 08:36 AM
- Liked Re: SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on for Tom. 07-26-2024 08:33 AM
- Posted Re: SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on on SAS Programming. 07-26-2024 04:42 AM
- Tagged SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on on SAS Programming. 07-26-2024 04:40 AM
- Posted Re: SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on on SAS Programming. 07-26-2024 04:39 AM
- Posted SAS/CONNECT - conditional programming only if (not) already signed on on SAS Programming. 07-25-2024 04:54 AM
- Got a Like for Re: how do I generate all sas ods styles in html. 04-20-2024 10:16 PM
- Posted Re: how do I generate all sas ods styles in html on ODS and Base Reporting. 04-20-2024 12:08 PM
- Posted how do I generate all sas ods styles in html on ODS and Base Reporting. 04-19-2024 06:09 PM
- Posted Re: PRXMATCH, Regular expression id not changing on SAS Programming. 02-05-2018 09:45 AM
- Liked Re: PRXMATCH, Regular expression id not changing for s_lassen. 02-05-2018 09:45 AM
- Posted Re: PRXMATCH, Regular expression id not changing on SAS Programming. 02-05-2018 06:42 AM
- Posted PRXMATCH, Regular expression id not changing on SAS Programming. 02-02-2018 07:27 AM
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Subject Likes Posted 2 04-20-2024 12:08 PM
08:36 AM
thanks, we do assign libraries in the set-up code, so that might be the wisest solution. I'll play about with that, but in the mean time I'll keep the thread open in case anyone else wants to chip in. thank you Tom!
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04:42 AM
just as a side note - does the late great Tom Hoffman have a github repo? I love classic code like this - always a gem or two to find from the auld hands
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04:39 AM
its a nice bit of code and I understand the logical test - but it doesnt work as I need it to. I ran this... %inc "S:\SASCONNECT_test\...\...\qrsub.sas" ;
%qrsub ;
%put &=sysrc. ; It gave the correct result (sysrc=1 to indicate a failure) but the log gave me an error. ignore the green warning, we're only on a test license. I'm tryinig to build a logical step to keep things tidy and avoid log errors and warnings.
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04:54 AM
Hi everyone, our company has recently started using SAS/CONNECT with BASE SAS 9.4 and I've hit an annoyance that my brain cant let go of! I'm trying to write a set up program (similar to auto exec,) that sits at the top of your code in an include statement. There's a bit of clean up at the beginning of the program (b/c we're expecting programmers to run their code top to bottom multiple times, or restart from the beginning wanting a "clean sheet" as they de-bug and develop code). After clean up I want the script to sign on to the remote server only if they aren't already signed on. In my head it would look something like this: *sign on ;
%if <check system macro var or option) %then %do ;
%put NOTE: Already signed on to %sysfunc(getoption(CONNECTREMOTE))" ;
%else %do ;
%LET session1 = appserv.company.com 1111;
OPTIONS comamid = TCP connectremote = session1 ;
signon session1 sascmd="!sascmd -nosyntaxcheck -noterminal " ;
%end ; There is no error or warning returned if you signon again to the same server - just a NOTE: to say "you're already signed on here". But I think its good programming practice to have this as a conditional bit of logic in case we have to change the way we sign on at any time down the line. Maybe I could do it the other way around and force sign-off as part of the clean-up? But that would throw an error! Should I just abandon this or is there something to latch onto that I can use in a conditional statement?
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12:08 PM
after some more searching I found it for those who are interested its here: https://support.sas.com/techsup/notes/v8/36/900.html
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06:09 PM
Hi everyone! Base SAS 9.4 user here. I've lost a really useful piece of code and I havent been able to unearth it online! I'm almost certain it was either a knowledgebase article of sample code from an official SAS page, I probably found it no more than 2 years ago and it programatically generated examples of all SAS ods styles from the templates list. The end result was an html index page with a table of contents on the left hand side that you could navigate down and in the right hand pane was the sashelp.class data set (I think) presented in the selected ods style. it was really neat with the toc panel because it was easy to navigate to what you wanted to see and just select it and it would appear in the right hand pane. the closest thing I found was this article: https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/odsproc/p0lieqehqf2axgn148b3axecx9pe.htm and I searched for images and the closest thing to the result is something like this If anyone has this bookmarked I'd really appreciate the link - even if its broken I can still use wayback machine and get the code that way.
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09:45 AM
BINGO! thank you so much!
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06:42 AM
I know this is very imperfect but a colleague is finding the minimum matches and I'm finding the maximum so we know the true answer will lie somewhere in between x y z pimavanserin tartrate (ACP-103) pimavanserin tartrate 1 masitinib masitinib (AB1010) 1 aspirin tablets 100mg aspirin 1 calcium tartrate calcium 1 calcium tartrate tartrate 1 aluminum tartrate tartrate 1 doxycycline lexapro 0 hydrochlorothiazide oxide oxide 1 Ibuprofen tablets 100mg red tab 0 one two three four two three 1
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07:27 AM
Hi, Base SAS 9.4 user; I'm a first time user of prxmatch but I'm having issues getting it to work in my datastep. I have 2 variables set up in a dataset and I want to cross reference all the words in one variable with all the words in the other variable to see if there were any matches. Here is an example of my code: data xxx ;
x="Drug: Pimavanserin tartrate (ACP-103)" ;
y="Drug: pimavanserin tartrate" ;
output ;
x="Drug: masitinib" ;
y="Drug: masitinib (AB1010)" ;
output ;
run ; What I want now it to see if any of the words in y appear in x, I decided to see if PRXMATCH would work, so I've created a pattern (which hopefully contains all the pearl stuff and the words to match 'm/word1|word2|word3/io') data yyy ;
set xxx ;
/*create pattern to search for*/
pattern='m/'||lowcase(translate(compress(strip(scan(y,2,":")),,"adsk"),"|"," "))||'/io' ;
parse=prxparse(pattern) ;
/*this is my checking criteria... so eventually if z>0 then there is a match with >= 1 of the keywords*/
z=prxmatch(prxparse(pattern),x) ;
run ; What I'm finding is that because the regular expression id (from the prxparse) isn't changing it will only find the first match and then nothing else. Can anyone help? thanks Lindsey
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