I'm wondering, how is your testing process looks like? I'm asking, because I'm interesting, whether you really need to promote all design artifacts between the development and test environments or not. For an example, if you're just testing the generated code, then you can just promote the generated code, and you do not need to promote anything else. Right?
Anyway, all objects inside SAS Intelligent Decisioning supports transfer, so you can either use SAS Environment Manager or CLI to create a transfer package and promote it to another environment. Doesn't matter whether it is a generated code or a design artifact.
Transfer Content between SAS Viya Environments: https://go.documentation.sas.com/doc/en/edmcdc/5.6/edmag/p13juutx952wrin12dvemvugi2ii.htm#n0gyxyw6ikimmgn1w5hew2ah0juj
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