Similar to the suggestion by @Cynthia_sas (as far as I know, in SAS Studio WRDS one cannot directly export to the local machine, unless one is connected to the WRDS server with his or her local machine using SAS rather than SAS Studio and uses a program like WinSCP), you can do the following trick: libname out "/home/.../";
data out.filename;
set filename;
run; Or you can do the following: data '/home/.../filename.sas7bdat';
set filename;
run; Both should work. This exporting keeps your data in the .sas7dbat format. However, you can also use the following command if you want to export your data in .csv format: proc export data=work.filename DBMS=csv
outfile="/home/.../filename.csv" replace;
run; I hope this helps @fafrin420.
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