Hi, It seems that when I'm using PROC LIFETEST to create a survival plot with number-at-risk printed on the x-axis, that whenever at least one stratum label is more than 3 characters the number-at-risk labels are printed as 1, 2, etc instead of the full strata format labels, while the strata names are printed as "1: [Label stratum 1]", "2: [Label Stratum 2]", etc. in legends (with the corresponding labels of each stratum instead of the bracketed text). See the attached file for an example (created using non-sensical data). I've been trying to get around this by modifying the template used to create the plots (Stat.Lifetest.Graphics.ProductLimitSurvival) to force the procedure to always print the full label (some additional tweaking will of course be necessary for long format labels), but I can't seem to get very much further at the moment. From what I can tell, the names to print in the figure are actually created before the template is called, since the parts of the plotting statements which hold the labels in question are never declared in the template. These include STRATUM (seems to hold stratum labels), and CLASSATRISK (seems to hold the number-at-risk labels). Is there any way to figure out where these undeclared variables come from? If not, is there any simpler way to do what I want?
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