HI, I am trying to create an activex plot that enables me to visualize the relationship between multiple variables. However, I only want two variables to show at a time. To help illustrate my question, please see the example code below. Ideally, the code would create a scatter plot of var3 by x as the default graph. Then, if I were to right click the graph and choose data options, I would be able select var1 or var2 in the Response drop down menu. Note: Currently, the Response drop down only shows the var3 and x. I have also changed the plot line to (var1 var2 var3)*x/overlay, but then all three responses are plotted against the X and I cannot find a way to "remove" two from the graph. Thanks in advance! data testdata; do x = 1 to 15; var1 = x; var2 = -x; var3 = 7.5 + ((-1)**((mod(x,2)=0)))*(7.5-x); output; end; run; ods html path="%sysfunc(pathname(work))" file="test.html"; goptions device=activex; proc gplot data=testdata; plot var3*x; run; ods html close;
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