Hello, I am having a hard time understanding the SGPLOT, I was handled a code to review and run and found the following error. Any information, documentation, would really help me proc sgplot data = seg_tmp.all_v2; format MNTH_SMRY_START_DT dtmonyy.; vbox log_tot_trans_am/ DATASKIN = gloss nomean category=MNTH_SMRY_START_DT; BY SEG; label MNTH_SMRY_START_DT = 'Month'; xaxis label = 'Month'; run; And the following errors: proc sgplot data = seg_tmp.all_v2; format MNTH_SMRY_START_DT dtmonyy.; vbox log_tot_trans_am/ DATASKIN = gloss nomean category=MNTH_SMRY_START_DT; -------- 22 76 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ;, ATTRID, BOXWIDTH, CAPSHAPE, CATEGORY, CLUSTERWIDTH, CONNECT, CONNECTATTRS, DATALABEL, DATALABELATTRS, DISCRETEOFFSET, EXTREME, FILL, FILLATTRS, FREQ, GROUP, GROUPDISPLAY, GROUPORDER, LABELFAR, LEGENDLABEL, LINEATTRS, MEANATTRS, MEDIANATTRS, MISSING, NAME, NOCAPS, NOFILL, NOMEAN, NOMEDIAN, NOOUTLIERS, NOTCHES, OUTLIERATTRS, PERCENTILE, SPREAD, TRANSPARENCY, WHISKERATTRS, X2AXIS, Y2AXIS. ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored. BY SEG; label MNTH_SMRY_START_DT = 'Month'; xaxis label = 'Month'; run;
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