I am requesting help in understanding ROC curves as generated by PROC LOGISTIC. I am using the data in Kleinbaum DG and Klein M : Logistic Regression. THE data set is Knee fracture or kneefr. The outcome variable is fracture and is binary. The data set is located at http://web1.sph.emory.edu/dkleinb/logreg3.htm#data As kneefr.sas7bdat or kneefr,dta The predictor variables are: FLEX [Flex the knee] Binary yes, no WEIGHT ability to put weight on knee [yes no] AGECAT patients age greater or less then 55years HEAD Injury to knee head [yes no] PATELLAR injury to patellar [yes no] >>>>>>>>>> THE CODE COPIED FROM KLEINBAUM and KLEIN proc logistic data = kneefr descending; model fracture = Flex weight agecat head patellar /pprob = .00 to .50 by .05 ctable; run; proc logistic data = kneefr descending; model fracture = Flex weight agecat head patellar /outroc =cat; run; Proc Print Data=CAT (obs=10); run; SYMBOL = PLUS interpol = RC; proc gplot data=CAT; plot _SENSIT_*_1MSPEC_ ; run; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MY QUESTIONS I can understand that from a logistic regression and feeding in the data for an individual patient one obtains a ln(0dd) for that patient. From this the probability of fracture for the individual. I do not understand how SAS calculates predicted probabilities by .00 to .50 by 0.5. Nor do I understand what they mean in relation to the number of fractures and /or no fractures at a probability level when printed as the ‘ctable’ or [cut off table]. The print out of the Cat data gives the probability for I assume each patient. Obs 10 for instance is given as 0.22898. Does this mean given the cut off set at 0.300 this patient is in the positive class either as a TP or a FP. I am using SAS university Edition and the code for Gplot does not run. I note that with PROC PLOT a curve is produced. Is this because the University Edition does not support GPLOT? Is this a correct assumption? 5 Is it possible to obtain a histogram of the _pos_ and _neg_ cases with the probability cut off values on the x axis. I thank you in advance for any assistance.
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