We find that different SAS users obtain different results when running identical PROC GLM code on our system. (SAS 9.4 TS Level 1M4; Windows Version 6.3.9600) A typical example is ods output LSMeans = LSMeans1;
proc glm data=temp;
class trtseqpn subjid aperiod trta;
model aval = trta
random subjid(trtseqpn) / test;
estimate "Estimate1" trta 1 -1 ;
lsmeans trta ;
The resulting ODS dataset "LSMeans1" is slightly different for different users. For some, the least squares mean will appear in a variable called "LSMean"; for others, the variable name will be "avalLSMean." (Note that "aval" comes from the name of the dependent model variable). Naturally this can cause errors later in the program if the variable name is not as expected. Is there something we can do to ensure a consistent result? (I can write macro code to rename the variable conditionally, but would prefer a simpler solution.) The structure of the input data is straightforward, e.g. data WORK.TEMP;
input subjid $ aperiod trta $ trtseqpn aval;
1 1 A 1 1.23456
1 2 B 1 2.13632
2 1 B 2 0.54719
2 2 A 2 0.89158
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