I am trying to add a reference line to each bar in SAS GTL. I know I have target= in barchartparm but I need to customize the line to dashed, which I can not find anyway to do that in barchartparm. I tried scatterplot and symbolchar to overlay a "DASHED LINE" unicode but the issue is the unicode I used is not vertical centered. It cannot be placed right at the data point. I tried vertical offset to fix it then another issue is in the legend, the same symbol char was used but if I changed the size of the symbol in legend it resulted in so much space in the legend box then the figure became too long. I wanna ask are there some other way to get around this? or some magical normal dashed line unicode that I can use? I searched so many some just gave me a empty box which I do not understand why. Thank you so much for your help! Here are the part of the code: proc template; define statgraph &st.&yr.&pp.TopBox; BeginGraph / DesignWidth = &Height.in ; symbolchar name=line char='2508'x /voffset= 0.39 ; symbolchar name=linelengend char='2508'x /voffset= 0.3; discreteattrmap name = "line"; Value "1" /markerattrs=(symbol=line color=black size = 0.8in); enddiscreteattrmap; discreteattrvar attrvar = drawline var = line attrmap = "line"; legenditem type = marker name= "XXXX" / label="XXXX" markerattrs = (Symbol = linelengend Color = black Size = 0.4in); Layout Overlay / XXXXX ; /* Create Bars */ BarChartPARM x = XXXX y = XXXXX / Group = PlanColor GROUPORDER= reversedata GroupDisplay = Cluster CLUSTERWIDTH = 0.5 Orient = vertical DataSkin = &DataSkin. /* DATALABEL = XXXX*/ /* DISCRETEOFFSET = -0.2*/ datalabelattrs=(size=10 weight=bold) ERRORLOWER = Lower_CI ERRORUPPER = Upper_CI /* target = XXXX*/ ; ScatterPlot x = XXXXX y = XXXXX / Group = drawline GROUPORDER = reversedata GroupDisplay = Cluster /* DATALABEL = XXXXX*/ ; DiscreteLegend "XXX" / Border = Yes ValueAttrs = (Family = "Calibri" Color = Black Size = 10) ;
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