Hi, I am using SAS Miner and when I use IGN node to group variables as WOE, some variables' formats are converted with %dmnormip(_Format) code. I wonder that what is this code and what purporses does Miner create it? I am sharing a short part of the code with you. *------------------------------------------------------------*; * Variable: K_SEGMENT_CLASS; *------------------------------------------------------------*; LABEL GRP_K_SEGMENT_CLASS = "Grouped: K_SEGMENT_CLASS"; LABEL WOE_K_SEGMENT_CLASS = "Weight of Evidence: K_SEGMENT_CLASS"; _UFormat = put(K_SEGMENT_CLASS,8.0); %dmnormip(_UFormat); if MISSING(_UFORMAT) then do; GRP_K_SEGMENT_CLASS = 3; WOE_K_SEGMENT_CLASS = 1.0017861627; end; else .......
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