I have a dataset with 12,000 some variables and I need to collapse them so that there are no repeats with ID number and the symptoms are described on one line. The data I am working with looks like this: And I am trying to get it to look like this: The data is from excel so I imported it and have come up with the following code: proc sort data= project3;
by id_no;
*need array to identify symptoms *symptom 1=heartburn, symptom 2=sickness, symptom 3=spasm, symptom 4=temperature, symptom 5=tiredness *if/then statement *dont want to keep symptom_no and symptom, instead make new variable;
data want;
array symptoms[5] symptom_no1-symptom_no5; *I named the arrays symptom instead of sympt to create the new variables;
retain symptom_no1-symptom_no5;
set project3;
by id_no;
if first.id_no then do i=1 to 5; *this allowed me to not have any duplicates for the ID_no;
if last.id_no then output;
keep id_no symptom_no1-symptom_no5;
proc print data=want;
var id_no symptom_no1-symptom_no5;
run; Unfortunately, when I run this, nothing is populated for symptoms and I end up getting this: I understand that I have to define the symptoms such that when the system reads it knows symptom 1 is heartburns, 2 is sickness, 3=spasm, 4=temperature, 5=tiredness. I'm guessing this should go prior to the symptom array I've already written, but am having a hard time. Could I get some direction/advice please? Thank you!
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