Jawna Thank you for your help on the previous issue. I am still pouring through the documentation. I also have other more "basic" questions about deployment. They are specifically related to hardware needs. I/O type, I/O through put, CPU usage, memory usage, all that jazz. The company I work at has deployed this before with the help of SAS professional services for demonstration purposes, but the deployment/migration (I think it may have been a migration) did not go smoothly and because of server configuration problems most tasks run at about the pace they would if they were running on an Apple IIe. Luckily it was only a demo enviroment. We used one box and 3 VMs for each tier. For my purposes this is definitely a very real and very important deployment for a rather important client. Others in my organizations have tried contacting others in the company, but sometimes that process can be rather slow. And because of time constraints I need some decent turn around time on questions and issues at this point. I know have a general idea what we are thinking as far as deployment, but I would like to discuss either phone or via e-mail about some of the hardware specs needed for the Intelligence platform (the three tiers: Meta, App, and web servers). This will evolve into a full Fraud Framework deployment with all the fixings (SNA and all that stuff). Like I said this part of SAS is fairly new to me (even though I have used it for quite a while) and from the others I have talked to in the organization a fairly newer"ish" thing to them too. So I'm not 100% on the inner workings of the SAS server enviroment(s) as we plan to use them here. I have been pouring over the doumentation and most of it seems to be things about configuration files, what the Meta data server is, what the SAS App server is, etc. But at this moment I could use some hardware guidlines, how the servers will communicate (SSL/TLS?), etc. Any help or direction you can point me in would be greatly appriciated
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