I want to use TRANSLATE in more than one lines in the program (see example1) but the instruction doesn’t work. I works only if I write one line at a time. Is it correct? Do I have to split each time for different dataset and write one instruction at a time such Example 2? Is there a way to write all the instruction together? Thank you Stefy67 Example1: data tre; set due; nomenew3 = translate(nomenew2,'AAAAAAAAAAA','ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄǍ'); cognomenew3 = translate(cognomenew2,'AAAAAAAAAAA','ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄǍ'); nomenew3 = translate(nomenew2, 'IIIIIIIIII' , 'ÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏ'); nomenew3 = translate(nomenew2, 'OOOOOOOOO' , 'ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐǑ'); cognomenew3 = translate(cognomenew2, 'IIIIIIIIII' , 'ÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏ'); cognomenew3 = translate(cognomenew2, 'OOOOOOOOO' , 'ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐǑ'); run; Example2: data tre; set due; nomenew3 = translate(nomenew2,'AAAAAAAAAAA','ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄǍ'); run; data tre1; set tre; cognomenew3 = translate(cognomenew2,'AAAAAAAAAAA','ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆĀĂĄǍ'); run;
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