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SAS and Database Programmer for 12 years, I have a keen interest in the mobile technology sector.
I also run a tech blog at www.irelandstechnologyblog.com
Oracle Clinical
Latest posts by ColmSmyth
Subject Views Posted 2545 04-18-2018 05:43 AM 2551 04-18-2018 05:32 AM 2554 04-18-2018 05:31 AM 2569 04-18-2018 05:13 AM 1564 04-07-2017 10:08 AM 1566 04-07-2017 09:57 AM 1611 04-06-2017 09:50 AM 2189 05-01-2012 01:57 AM 2632 04-30-2012 10:17 AM 2631 04-19-2012 10:51 AM -
Activity Feed for ColmSmyth
- Posted Re: Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:43 AM
- Posted Re: Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:32 AM
- Posted Re: Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:31 AM
- Posted Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:13 AM
- Tagged Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:13 AM
- Tagged Numeric date variable with some values dates and some datetime on SAS Programming. 04-18-2018 05:13 AM
- Posted Re: Enterprise Guide Prompt issue on SAS Enterprise Guide. 04-07-2017 10:08 AM
- Posted Re: Enterprise Guide Prompt issue on SAS Enterprise Guide. 04-07-2017 09:57 AM
- Posted Enterprise Guide Prompt issue on SAS Enterprise Guide. 04-06-2017 09:50 AM
- Posted Re: obfuscation of SAS code on SAS Programming. 05-01-2012 01:57 AM
- Posted Re: obfuscation of SAS code on SAS Programming. 04-30-2012 10:17 AM
- Liked Re: obfuscation of SAS code for JasonDiVirgilio. 04-30-2012 10:14 AM
- Posted Re: obfuscation of SAS code on SAS Programming. 04-19-2012 10:51 AM
- Posted Connect To SFTP Without KeyChains on SAS Programming. 11-07-2011 06:15 AM
- Posted Re: Using rc= system on SAS Procedures. 05-17-2011 09:25 AM
- Posted Re: Libname Connection Limitation on SAS Programming. 05-17-2011 01:34 AM
- Posted Re: Libname Connection Limitation on SAS Programming. 05-17-2011 01:33 AM
- Posted Libname Connection Limitation on SAS Programming. 05-16-2011 10:46 AM
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05:43 AM
Agreed.....oddly I have tried your code and the e8601dt16. format is saying not valid yet I see it in the list of formats for SAS EG...VARIABLEX is character so the input should work
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05:32 AM
Hi there
Thanks for your reply, I was only representing the number date in brackets etc, but think I mixed them up anyway. Not to worry though as per my reply below to Kurt what I want is not possible.
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05:31 AM
Hi Kurt
Yes, I did mix those up but yes as expected I did not think this is possible. Ultimately here my goal is to try and compare dates where one may have a time and another may not. If i split per your suggestion and then remake as a datetime value for example SAS will have 00:00:00 etc into it which gets considered in any equation as midnight.
I have other ways around this though but thank you for your suggestion. It would be great however if SAS came up with a format for a date that could understand dates and datetimes in one field
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05:13 AM
Hi all
I am fairly sure this is not possible but I want to know if I can have one numeric date variable that has a mixed values some of just dates and other with date and times.
For example, I have VARIABLEX which is character with values such as 2017-09-27 (1822089600) and 2017-10-12T08:35 (21093) where the number in the brackets is the numeric values of each date.
Can I make a new numeric variable which these values formatted ?
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10:08 AM
Hey again
Ok...some sucess....I have it now satating in the log that it has assigned the libname test which is perfect and what I wanted...however if I refresh the SASApp server tree there is no test libname....any ideas ?
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09:50 AM
I have what I hope is a really simple enterprise guide issue for the experts. I am very new to programming prompt windows in EG so I may not fully understand your responses so stick with me.
I have created a simple prompt which is called Project_Prompt and there are 3 static values that the user will be presented with when the stored process runs.
When the stored process runs a window pops up with a pompt for the user to select a project, this value as I understand it is stored in &Project_Prompt and lets say the unformatted project number is A12345
I have added SAS Code into the prompt area that is basically macro code that says:
%if &project_code='A1234' %then %do:
libname source "my daya";
However while this code runs and there is no error in the log there is no new libname assigned. If i remove the macro code and just leave the libname assignment it works.
Am I referencing the prompt incorrectly ?
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01:57 AM
Thanks everyone for your opinion and advice, let me say though this is purely a topic i started with the intention of info gathering on the subject, I absolutely do not need to do this, nor probably allowed anyway in production. But I wanted to see what was possible, and it looks like to a degree it is, even better would be a built in feature of SAS itself to actual obscure un-obscure the code via password prompt, but would be run-able either way. Thanks everyone C.
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10:17 AM
Hi Jason, Great stuff....tried this out and works quite well, reversing did not quite bring back all the code identically especially for commented portions of the source code. Now, further to my original post, my ideal situation is that write code, its validated, stored somewhere safe, then its obfuscated, and that obfuscated program would be recognized by SAS and would be run-able. However I dont think SAS can do this other than with PWENCODE, i.e it knows what that scrambled code is as its a built in function etc. Thoughts ? EDIT: In fact if SAS could use the Oracle dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.DESDecrypt feature you could obfuscate the entire program, then read in the scrambled program and decrypt it on the fly to a self deleting temporary file for example which is run during the process...if that makes sense
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10:51 AM
Hi all, As the original OP of the question Renne on Twitter (@colmsmyth) please let me clarify more what I meant. This is kind of for IP protection but also just to be a bit fancy really. Is there a way that you could open a *.sas program and the code is already garbled or obfuscated etc, this would have been done via a saved macro or something like that. However, I would then also want the ability to de-scramble it again by calling a save macro perhaps from saved shortcut button on the tool bar, perhaps prompting for a password before the de-scrambling happens. So you know when you get a file in a particular format and you try to open it with the wrong application, it opens but it looks like webdings basically....thats kinda what i want Cheers
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06:15 AM
Hey everyone, Is there or will there ever be the ability for SAS to connect to SFTP without the need to installing back end software such as putty and with the need for keychains. Seems reasonable that all you should need is the below : filename outfile sftp '/home/myfile.DAT' host="host.com" user="bigdaddy" passwd="Something"; data _null_; file outfile; do i=1 to 10; put i=; end; run; Problem seems to be that there is no Password options, surely if this feature was added there would then be a way for this to work ? However this right now does not help me....at the moment my company seem to have coreftplite setup on our sas server, would anyone have any instructions or code to allow me to connect to an SFTP and take down files. I also want to do all this interactively, not in batch. Kind Regards Colm
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09:25 AM
Could you please let me know how you connected to an SFTP, i tried the documentation at the paths provided and they do not work for me.
I dont seem to be able to connect as there is no password option in SAS to do it.
basically all i want to do is connect to an SFTP, i have username and password for this and IP address, then tell sas where to look and then use a command to grab a file... initially though just to connect is my issue.
Hope you can help
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01:34 AM
It strange then as im running Base now and i get the error on 64...ohh well perhaps some installations are different ?
At any rate I have work around now so its ok.
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01:33 AM
Thanks Chris...I have just moved my clear statements to after each out file so it clears as it goes.
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10:46 AM
Hi all,
Is there a max number of connection libnames in SAS 9.2, I have code that outputs reports to many seperate XLS connections using libname.
Some info on google about it regarding limit of 65 connections but nothing official from SAS.
The error I get is:
ERROR: Connect: Unspecified error
If will not go away unless i clear a a libname to free up the connection space.
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