I'm probably going to ask for the same information that's posted here again. Please forgive me, this is the first I am trying to import an xml file.
1) I am at step one. Here's what I have:
filename xmlinp 'V:\MICHR\Personal\bruestle\Open Clinica Testing\ExportTest1D20110517142141-0400';
proc cdisc model=odm read=xmlinp;
odm odmversion="1.2";
clinicaldata out=results.ae sasdatasetname="AE";
2) If I run the syntax above I get the following message:
ERROR: Physical file does not exist, V:\MICHR\Personal\bruestle\Open Clinica
encountered during CDISCRDR parsing
occurred at or near line 1, column 1
The file really does exist so I'm thinking the problem is more to do with what's in the file, specifically the very first character.
3) Here's the first line of the file:
Can you help me?
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