Hello All, I am trying to rank some data using Proc Rank and a group by clause but to be honest I don't even know where to start. 1. The 4 ranking columns should use the following group by clauses to define their ranking 2. The ranking should stay the same if the group by clause returns the exact same result rank_ftp > group by system_id, reporting_date, ftp rank_preprocess > group by system_id, reporting_date, preprocess rank_calculation > group by system_id, reporting_date, calculation rank_synchronisation > group by system_id, reporting_date, synchronisation Until now I came up with this (for the ftp part), but it gives me rank 0 for everything. proc sort data=WORK.LFS_VAA_BC_TMP out=work.sorted;
by system_id reporting_date;
proc rank data=WORK.sorted out=work.rankings;
var ftp;
ranks rank_ftp;
by system_id reporting_date;
run; Thanks in advance.
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