Hello there, I'm quite new to SAS, I'm in a class at university and I have scoured the internet for an answer to this question and have come up with nothing. In SAS Studio, I'm attempting to read a txt file of an answer key. The answers are all on one line, delimited by a comma. However, I'd like each answer to fill an observation, not a different variable, so I can compare the answer key to another data file where the answers are observations, and my assignment says we cannot change the .txt file (I would personally just like to go in and put each answer on a separate line. My question is, how can I read this one line of data as one variable "Answer" with each answer as an observation, not a variable? Here is my code so far: data anskey; infile '/home/jacobrobertwest0/hw/A1_Ans_only.txt' dlm=','; input answer $; run; When I do this, it shows up as a single variable "answer" with one observation, just the first answer on the txt file. Thank you
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