Hi, first off, I am new to cluster analysis and am still learning the appropriate methods to emply. I am trying to divide a variable ("condition") with 300 levels into clusters based on 1 numberical/continuous variable ("active_score"). Using proc cluster to start (code below) I am seeing that the y-axis of the dendrogram is unreadable as the labels are all on top of eachother (dendrogram image attached). I was trying to find a way to space out the labels but unsuccessfully.. any ideas? It also might just be that proc cluster is not the best way to go (proc fastclus or proc varclus?) Again, I'm learning so might need to move to another procedure but still wondering if I can make it work to be able to adjust the y-axis to see what I have. I'm using SAS 9.4. Thank you in advance!! Proc cluster simple method=centroid rmsstd rsquare nonorm out=tree plots(maxpoints=1000); id condition; var active_score; run; proc tree out=cluster nclusters=5 inc=10 ; id condition; copy active_score; proc sort; by cluster; proc print; by cluster; var condition active_score; run;
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