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Latest posts by dsdsdssss
Subject Views Posted 2187 06-21-2018 08:40 AM 2219 06-21-2018 04:40 AM 2234 06-21-2018 04:13 AM 8446 01-11-2018 08:15 AM 8455 01-11-2018 08:02 AM -
Activity Feed for dsdsdssss
- Posted Re: slow view performance in a sas data set created from Oracle view on SAS Enterprise Guide. 06-21-2018 08:40 AM
- Posted Re: slow view performance in a sas data set created from Oracle view on SAS Enterprise Guide. 06-21-2018 04:40 AM
- Posted slow view performance in a sas data set created from Oracle view on SAS Enterprise Guide. 06-21-2018 04:13 AM
- Posted Re: SAS 9.4 - Proc SGPLOT: Unable to load the Java Virtual Machine on Administration and Deployment. 01-11-2018 08:15 AM
- Posted Re: SAS 9.4 - Proc SGPLOT: Unable to load the Java Virtual Machine on Administration and Deployment. 01-11-2018 08:02 AM
08:40 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, the problem stems from the lengths in the Oracle table! It's a pretty weird behaviour though... Here is what I did: 1. Create a SAS data set in EG, and set the lengths of the data set before the SET clause, because the original length of the variabes are longer. For example display_nm is originally 1024 long: data user_permission_report; length display_nm $200; set source; run; 2 Create an Oracle data set by a single data step (sasoprsk is the oracle library): data sasoprsk.user_permission_report; set user_permission_report; run; 3. There is a view in a SAS EG library, which points to the oracle table. For example: proc sql; create view result.user_permission_report as select * from sasoprsk.user_permission_report; quit; Well, if I check the length in the three different tables, comes the magic: - in the 1st data set the length is 200 - in the 2nd, if I log in to Oracle and check the length of display_nm, it's VARCHAR2(800) - if I check the length in the SAS VIEW in EG by right click-> Properties-> Columns, it shows 1024! I wish I could to this with my bank account. 🙂 I guess it might be some kind of metadata collision, or what? Thank you for the help!
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04:40 AM
It seems OK. Minimum: 0 millisec Maximum: 1 millisec I don't have this problem with other SAS tables on the server (these are not created from an Oracle view)
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04:13 AM
Hi all, I'm experiencing pretty slow performance when opening even a small dataset that has been created by either a data step or a proc sql from an Oracle view. I can't imagine what makes it so slow when I open it and try to scroll down. For example: data example1; set result.user_permission_report; /*this is a view in Oracle*/ run; proc sql; create table example2 as select * from result.user_permission_report; quit; My aim is to give a faster experience for users by feeding it's data into SAS. The table is not big (~4000 rows and ~40columns). I tried to create the table in the local work or on the server, but the situation is the same. Do you have any suggestions? It looks as if the data set is still functioning as a view, but how can I create a plain, raw dataset from these data then? The situation is the same in EG. 5.1 or 7.1 (32bit). SAS version is 9.4m1. Thank you, Barnabas
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08:15 AM
Wow, many many thanks to you, alexal, it works fine! (I've tried plenty of variations in the past few hours without success) 🙂
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08:02 AM
Hello Everyone, I have the same problem (Unable to load the JVM), and after doing what you wrote, nothing happened: I try to run a similar What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Here is the content of my sasenv_local: ORACLE_HOME=/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/lib TNS_ADMIN=/sas94/thirdparty/instantclient_11_2 NLS_LANG=HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY.AL32UTF8 SHLIB_PATH=/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/lib:$SHLIB_PATH if [ "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" != "" ] ; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SHLIB_PATH}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH fi export ORACLE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH TNS_ADMIN NLS_LANG PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export PATH I run the following code: options set=TKJNI_OPT_TRACE="y" ; %put OS: &SYSSCP &SYSSCPL ; %put SAS Mode: &SYSPROCESSNAME ; %put SAS Version: &sysvlong ; %put User: &SYSUSERID ; %put SASROOT: %sysget(SASROOT) ; %put JAVA_HOME is: %sysget(JAVA_HOME) ; %put CLASSPATH is: %sysget(CLASSPATH) ; %put PATH is: %sysget(PATH) ; %put LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: %sysget(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; proc javainfo ; run ; proc options option=jreoptions ; run ; And the log is as seen below: OS: LIN X64 Linux 17 %put SAS Mode: &SYSPROCESSNAME ; SAS Mode: Object Server 18 %put SAS Version: &sysvlong ; SAS Version: 9.04.01M2P072314 19 %put User: &SYSUSERID ; User: sasegrcins 20 %put SASROOT: %sysget(SASROOT) ; SASROOT: /sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4 21 %put JAVA_HOME is: %sysget(JAVA_HOME) ; JAVA_HOME is: /sas94/SAS/SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment/9.4/jre 22 %put CLASSPATH is: %sysget(CLASSPATH) ; WARNING: The argument to macro function %SYSGET is not defined as a system variable. CLASSPATH is: 23 %put PATH is: %sysget(PATH) ; PATH is: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin:/home/sasegrcins/.local/bin:/home/sasegrcins/bin:/sas94/SAS /SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment/9.4/jre/bin:/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/bin:/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/bin 24 %put LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: %sysget(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: /OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/lib:/OraApp/Oracle/Products/Client/121020/lib:/opt/dell/srvadmin/lib64::/OraApp/Oracle/Product s/Client/121020/lib 25 NOTE: PROCEDURE JAVAINFO used (Total process time): real time 1.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds ERROR: Proc javainfo did not run correctly. 26 proc javainfo ; 27 run ; 28 29 proc options option=jreoptions ; 30 run ; SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 9.4 TS1M2 JREOPTIONS=( -DPFS_TEMPLATE=/sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/tkjava/qrpfstpt.xml The SAS System -Djava.class.path=/sas94/SAS/SASVersionedJarRepository/eclipse/plugins/sas.launcher.jar -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/tkjava/sas.login.config -Djava.security.policy=/sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/tkjava/sas.policy -Djava.system.class.loader=com.sas.app.AppClassLoader -Djdk.lang.Process.allowAmbigousCommands=true -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/tkjava/sas.log4j.properties -Dsas.app.class.path=/sas94/SAS/SASVersionedJarRepository/eclipse/plugins/tkjava.jar -Dsas.ext.config=/sas94/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/tkjava/sas.java.ext.config -Dtkj.app.launch.config=/sas94/SAS/SASVersionedJarRepository/picklist ) Specifies the Java Runtime Environment options for SAS. Thank you, Barnabas
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