Hi All, I am facing this wierd issue with PROC SQL, The below code is working fine in SAS 9.3 Windows server, We are migarting to SAS 9.4 Linux. The same code is producing WARNING and the warning seems inappropriate and its repeating for every single record it inserts. Which is causing the log file size to increase exponentically If anyone else faced similar issue and found a solution kindly share. Thanks in advance MPRINT(APPEND2NETEZZATABLE): Proc SQL NoPrint ;
MPRINT(APPEND2NETEZZATABLE): Select case when strip(upcase(name)) eq strip(upcase("yearmonth")) and type ne 'char' then
strip("201706 as yearmonth") when strip(upcase(name)) eq strip(upcase("yearmonth")) and type eq 'char' then strip("'201706' as
yearmonth") when put(name,$a2ntfmt.) ne 'Y' then case type when 'char' then catx(' ',"''",CatS('Length=',Length),"As",name) else
catx(' ',". As",name) end else case type when 'char' then catx(' ',name,CatS('Length=',Length),"As",name) else name end end as name
into :A2NT_SRC_COLUMNS Separated by ',' From A2NT_TGT_COLUMNS ;
BL_DATAFILE="/apps/sas/sasdata/svc/rsk/align_code/logs/bulkload/CLASS1819056786.dat" BL_OPTIONS="fillrecord true ignorezero true
CtrlChars true maxerrors 1 logdir '/apps/sas/sasdata/svc/rsk/align_code/logs/bulkload/' " BL_USE_PIPE=NO BL_DELETE_DATAFILE=YES )
Select 201706 as yearmonth,NAME Length=8 As NAME,SEX Length=1 As SEX,AGE,HEIGHT,WEIGHT From SASHELP.CLASS ;
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column NAME
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
WARNING: Character expression will be truncated by the engine when assigned to character column SEX
NOTE: 19 rows were inserted into NZ.CLASS.
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