I am using PROC SGPLOT with a custom style (by GTL) to create a graph. I'm getting the following errors.
ERROR: An exception has been encountered. Please contact technical support and provide them with the following traceback information:
The SAS task name is [Submit] ERROR: Read Access Violation Submit Exception occurred at (0F9306C0) Task Traceback
ERROR: Generic critical error.
After doing some google I got this page from SAS.
So I went on to add FROM option to all my style elements in PROC TEMPLATE. But I'm still getting the same error. Any help will be highly appreciated.
P.S Using version 9.4
proc template ;
define style DANPDF ; /*template name*/
parent=styles.printer ;
style fonts from fonts /
'TitleFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'TitleFont2' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'headingFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'docFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'footFont' = ("Courier new",9pt) ;
style GraphFonts from GraphFonts /
'GraphAnnoFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'GraphTitle1Font' = ("Courier new",9pt,bold)
'GraphTitleFont' = ("Courier new",9pt,bold)
'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'GraphLabelFont' = ("Courier new",9pt) ;
style GraphDataDefault from GraphDataDefault /
endcolor = CX000000
neutralcolor = CX000000
startcolor = CX000000
markersymbol = "circle"
linethickness = 1
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = CornflowerBlue
color = CornflowerBlue;
style GraphData1 from GraphData1 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = CornflowerBlue
color = CornflowerBlue;
style GraphData2 from GraphData2 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = DarkOrange
color = DarkOrange;
style GraphData3 from GraphData3 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = DarkGray
color = DarkGray;
style GraphData4 from GraphData4 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Gold
color = Gold;
style GraphData5 from GraphData5 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Crimson
color = Crimson;
style GraphData6 from GraphData6 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = LimeGreen
color = LimeGreen;
style GraphData7 from GraphData7 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Blue
color = Blue;
Style table from output /
Style HeadersAndFooters from Cell /
background = _undef_
font = Fonts('TitleFont') ;
Style SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters /
font = Fonts('footFont')
just = LEFT ;
Style Body from Document /
bottommargin = 1.40cm
topmargin = 2.1cm
rightmargin = 1.7cm
leftmargin = 1.7cm;
end ;
run ;
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