Well, Warren and Sanjay, it still doesn't work. The legend is still, as it has been consistently, in the order of the data! Warren, you were correct: I didn't have the formatted values in the order dataset. It didn't make any difference when I used them, however. Here is my code, and I've attached the resulting figure. The order should be Complete Response, Partial Response, Unconfirmed Partial Response, Stable Disease, Progressive Disease, and Not Evaluable, from top to bottom. After several hours of effort, am I any nearer to getting what I need? Any help vastly appreciated! swannie proc format; value dos 1='IMO2125 04 mg' 2='IMO2125 08 mg' 3='IMO2125 16 mg' 4='IMO2125 32 mg' ; value $rrc 'CR' = 'Complete Response' 'PR' = 'Partial Response' 'uPR' = 'Unconfirmed Partial Response' 'SD' = 'Stable Disease' 'PD' = 'Progressive Disease' 'NE' ='Not Evaluable' ; run; data order; input Value $32.; retain ID 'A' Show 'AttrMap' LineStyle 'Solid'; * Set irrelevant attribute to use order to control legend; datalines; Complete Response Partial Response Unconfirmed Partial Response Stable Disease Progressive Disease Not Evaluable ; run; ods graphics / reset=all border=off WIDTH=10.0in; title ' '; ods powerpoint file = "U:\Waterfall_Plot_&today..PPTX"; title2 "Subjects Treated with IMO-2125 8mg + Ipilimumab " ; footnote1 j=left height=1 "Data cut-off date: &cutoff Produced on &SYSDATE9." ; proc sgplot data=waterfall dattrmap=order; styleattrs datacolors=(CXC0C0C0 CX4682B4 /*CX4682B4*/ cx7edb8b CXA3E5AC CX19BF30 ) datacontrastcolors=(black); vbar n / response=rschg group=borc dataskin=sheen attrid=A; format borc $rrc.; refline 20 -30 / lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis display=none; yaxis values=(60 to -100 by -20) grid label="Change from Baseline (%)"; keylegend / title='' location=inside position=bottomleft across=1 border; run; ods powerpoint close; ods graphics off;
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