Hi, I'm trying to a sgplot in SAS9.4 which overlays 16 different kernel densities. Although all kernels are plotted, once it gets beyond 10 colours/line types the lines are all drawn with the same properties. Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of attributes for overlaid kernels? Code below if that helps. Thank you in advance! proc sgplot data=graph; %do q=1 %to &n; %if &&count&q >0 %then %do; density &&type.&q / type=kernel name="&q" legendlabel="&&class&q (n=&&count&q)"; %end; %end; keylegend / location=outside position=bottom"; refline 0 / axis=x label="No Change" labelloc=inside labelpos=min lineattrs=(color=black pattern=ShortDash); xaxis label="&typelabel ¶mlabel"; yaxis label='Density'; run;
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