I would Suggest to go to the windows machine that has the SAS Server EG is sonnecting to, and opern sas session up, then while this SAs wondow is open, open another SAS session and see if the same earning is in the second SAS session log window. The first coarse of action will be to rename the follwing files by adding a file extension of "002" to the end of the following files. C:\users\<userid>\Documentation\MY SAS files\9.4\profile.sas7bcat C:\users\<userid>\Documentation\MY SAS files\9.4\profile2.sas7bcat C:\users\<userid>\Documentation\MY SAS files\9.4\profbak.sas7bcat C:\users\<userid>\Documentation\MY SAS files\9.4\p\regstry.sas7bcat Once you have renamed those files then re-start SAS and see if you the same notes and warnings... Thank you Manjunath
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