Hi: You will have to read about PROC REPORT for a full example. Basically, you will have a COLUMN statement that will list your items, from left to right. Then instead of multiple VAR statements, you will need a DEFINE statement for every item that you want to change, style-wise. (Also, you should consider using the correct syntax for the style override. For PROC PRINT, it is STYLE(DATA)={...} but for PROC REPORT, it will be STYLE(COLUMN)={...}, as shown below. PROC REPORT does totals differently than PROC PRINT does. You may find that you need both a BREAK and/or an RBREAK statement in order to get both subtotals and grand totals at the end of the report. You may or may not need BY group processing -- a BREAK statement does SUBTOTALS and an RBREAK statement does a grand total. You can use a STYLE= option for these on the BREAK or RBREAK statement. You did not say what your destination of interest was. However, a value of .8 for H (which corresponds to font size) seems rather odd. It is better to specify units of measure for font size. A simple point size specification would be better: H=12pt or H=6pt or H=8pt -- any of those would work for RTF, PDF or HTML. Also, valid values for VJUST (or VERTICALALIGN) are T (top), M (middle) or B (bottom). http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/odsug/61723/HTML/default/viewer.htm#a002972093.htm Some papers that talk about PROC REPORT are: http://www.pharmasug.org/proceedings/2012/TF/PharmaSUG-2012-TF20-SAS.pdf http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi31/235-31.pdf http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/244-30.pdf http://support.sas.com/rnd/papers/sgf07/sgf2007-report.pdf cynthia ** untested code -- not at computer with SAS; proc report data=a split='\' nowd style (report)=[rules=none]; by project category; title2 j=c c=red "#byval1 - " c=blue h=0.8 "#byval2"; COLUMN x y z a b iunits est estes estimate; define x / display style(column)=[just=c vjust=m leftmargin=2mm rightmargin=2mm ];; define y / display style(column)=[just=c vjust=m leftmargin=2mm rightmargin=2mm ]; define z / display style(column)=[just=c vjust=m leftmargin=2mm rightmargin=2mm ]; ... more DEFINE statements .... rbreak after / summarize style=[background=red foreground=white]; run;
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