So currently I am assessing agreement between two evaluators. They are assessing disease response and the table would like below: Evaluater 2 CR CRc CRi PR SD PD Evaluater 1 CR CRc CRi PR SD PD To calculate a weighted Kappa is assigned an Ordinal value to each response: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Which sas that uses the following weights as default: 1.00, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2. However, I would really like for CRc and CRi to have the same weights for distance from CR. Does anyone know how I should reorder the ordinal values if even possible, my issue is that they can't have the same ordinal value --- is the only way to combine CRc & CRi? I don't know if that would be clinically meaningful.
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