Hello, when I use this syntax in sgpanel (I am using LSAF = SAS9.4): 1)symbolchar name=sym1 char='2014'x ; scatter x=avisitn y=mean / markerattrs=(symbol=sym1 size=10pt color=black) name="med"; I am not getting all datapoints right (half is visible, half is missing) see attached file "symbolchar" but when I use normal symbol=plus (commenting symbolchar statement) 2) scatter x=avisitn y=mean / markerattrs=(symbol=plus size=10pt color=black) name="med"; I am getting all results correctly. I was using in previous graphs : 3) scatter x=avisit2n y=MEDIAN / MARKERCHAR=box_char MARKERCHARATTRS=(color= black size=10PT) yerrorlower = lci yerrorupper = uci ERRORBARATTRS=(color=black) name="med"; and in dataset: box_char="--------"; but this produces legend that show squarefilled instead of dash I want to know how to show dash as graphical representation of the mean on top of other scatter plots in procedure sgpanel. Full sgpanel syntax for reference proc sgpanel data = xxxx; panelby tseqpg1 / border colheaderpos =top layout=columnlattice spacing = 0 novarname ONEPANEL sort = DATA; refline 1000/ axis=y LINEATTRS=(pattern = mediumdash color = black) label="LLOQ"; scatter x=avisitn y=aval_resp / jitter legendlabel="Responder" markerattrs=(color=green symbol=circlefilled) name="r1"; scatter x=avisitn y=aval_noresp / jitter legendlabel="No Responder" markerattrs=(color=orange symbol=circle) name="nr1"; symbolchar name=sym1 char='2014'x ; scatter x=avisitn y=mean / markerattrs=(symbol=sym1 size=25pt color=black) name="med"; colaxistable N MEAN RESPONDERS_RATE / NOMISSINGCHAR SEPARATOR X=avisitn statlabel name="stat_table" VALUEATTRS=(Size=7pt); rowaxis logbase = 10 logstyle=logexpand type=log label="EU/ml" min = 100 max=10000 LOGVTYPE=EXPANDED MINOR minorcount=9 GRID GRIDATTRS=(color=grayee pattern=solid THICKNESS=1) MINORGRID MINORGRIDATTRS=(color=grayee pattern=solid THICKNESS=1); colaxis type=linear integer label="Weeks" VALUES=( 1 3 5 7 9 11); run;
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