Hello SAS experts, I want to get a report which has the bold bottom border when a column value changes. For example, data want; set sashelp.class; run; proc sort data=want; by sex name; run; ODS noresults; ODS listing close; ods Excel file="&dir.\test_&mon..xlsx" options (Embedded_titles = 'yes' sheet_name= "Class" frozen_headers= '2' frozen_rowheaders="9" row_heights="16pt,16pt,16pt,16pt" absolute_column_width= '8,8,8,16,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8'); title1 j=l height=8pt font=Verdana color=CX000000 "Class by Gender "; options missing=" "; proc Report data=want NOWD style(header)=[vjust=m font_weight=bold foreground=white background=CX007FA3 FONT=(Verdana, 8pt, BOLD)] style(column)={vjust=m FONT=(Verdana, 8pt)}; Column name sex age weight height; define name / center display "Name"; define sex / order order=data noprint; define age / center display "Age"; define weight / center display "Weight"; define height / center display "height"; compute name; count+1; if (mod(count,2))=0 then do; call define(_row_,"style","style=[background=CXD4EAE4]"); end; endcomp; compute after sex / style=[borderbottomwidth=1pt borderbottomcolor=black]; endcomp; run; ods _all_ close; ODS listing; When the gender changes from Female to male, I want the excel output of the last person Mary to have bold black bottom border. But my SAS code doesn't work. Could someone help me out? Thanks a lot!
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