Hello! I need to plot a 4-way venn diagram in SAS 9.4 using the attached data. The counts that go into the 16 groups/regions of the diagram are as follows. I spent several hours trying to modify the 3-way venn diagram macro by ballardw available at https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-GRAPH-and-ODS-Graphics/3-way-Venn-diagram/td-p/248018 but still couldn't make it. I was wondering if someone could help me? Thank you. ABCD Frequency Region description 1000 475 A 0100 686 B 0010 139 C 0001 119 D 1100 206 Intersection of A and B 1010 115 Intersection of A and C 1001 106 Intersection of A and D 0110 117 Intersection of B and C 0101 68 Intersection of B and D 0011 49 Intersection of C and D 1110 383 Intersection of A, B and C 1101 152 Intersection of A, B and D 1011 175 Intersection of A, C and D 0111 74 Intersection of B, C and D 1111 431 Intersection of A, B, C and D 0000 9122 Outside the venn diagram
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