Hello, I am trying to figure out how to get an aggregate count of the number of times a subject has more than one visit within any 7 day window for my entire data set (using SAS 9.4). Subjects can have varying numbers of visits during the study time period, and have a single, unique visit date associated with each visit. Essentially, I need to count the number of times two visits occur within seven days of each other for a given patient, and then aggregate this for all patients. The seven day period can be at any point during the study. A manufactured example of my data is as follows: Observation Subject Visit Date Visit # 1 1 18765 1 2 1 18789 2 3 2 18759 1 4 2 18792 2 5 2 18760 3 For the hypothetical data above, there would only be one instance where two visits occur within 7 days of each other for a given patient (observations 3 & 5), and this is what I am attempting to quantify. I have tried a few different approaches (e.g. transposing the data, using arrays, using the DIF function) but nothing complete enough to post that resulted in any progress, and I am not yet a skilled enough programmer to solve this on my own. If anyone could offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated! Forgive me if this answer is already posted somewhere; I researched this issue for several hours and have so far come up empty. Thank you!
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