I am trying to calculate a propensity score (ps) using PROC LOGISTIC (I also tried using PROC GENMOD with a binary distribution and had the same problem). My outcome variable ('frcd_dic' is dichotomous). As you may notice, I am running these analyses on imputed data (consequently variables black, white, and eversex, which are typically dichotomous, are actually continuous). Below is the syntax I am using: Proc logistic data = P2data11212014 descending; class frcd_dic school class; Model frcd_dic = school class Black White rlnshp ptnrage dysabsnt delinquency lifeSU eversex makesex sexnorms sexbeliefs cntrlsex sexsixmo sixmoptnrA sexagr stoptryNZ refusesx / link = logit ; by _imputation_; output out = P2propensity_scores p = ps xbeta =plogit; Run; My problem is that 'ps' is not being calculated. After running this syntax I end up with a missing value 'ps' for all of my observations. I've spend a substantial amount of time trying to figure out my error and was hoping someone here could help me figure out what I am doing wrong. Not sure if this matters, but I am using SAS 9.4. Thanks in advance for your help!
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