Hi All, I am using SAS xml mapper to import an xml file After running the code obtained by the XML mapper in SAS EG, I have several SAS tables After making my changes, I'd like to export back all these tables as the unique XML they're coming from, maintaining the same hierarchical structure of the original xml file This is an example: Original xml (just a part of it): <Country> <ID>AA597FD</ID> <Name>A</Name> <ShortName>A</ShortName> <Private>no</Private> <System> <ID>8b8</ID> <Name>a7</Name> <CountryID>AA597FD</CountryID> <CurrencyOutput>euro</CurrencyOutput> <CurrencyParam>euro</CurrencyParam> <ExchangeRateEuro>1</ExchangeRateEuro> <HeadDefInc>ils</HeadDefInc> <Private>no</Private> <Order>2</Order> <Year>2007</Year> <Policy> <ID>cc</ID> <SystemID>8b8</SystemID> <Name>Cat</Name> <Type>def</Type> <Comment><![CDATA[DEF: COTS]]></Comment> <PrivateComment /> <Order>3</Order> <Switch>on</Switch> <Private /> <Function> <ID>d79</ID> <PolicyID>3cc</PolicyID> <Name>Defst</Name> <Comment><![CDATA[Min and Max Base]]></Comment> <PrivateComment /> <Order>3</Order> <Switch>on</Switch> <Parameter> ... </Parameter> <Parameter> ... </Parameter> <Parameter> ... </Parameter> <Parameter> ... </Parameter> </Function> <Function> ... </Function> </Policy> </System> </Country> From the xml mapper I obtain four tables corresponding to Function, Policy, System and Country I tried to merge them, but the resulting xml after exporting is not the same and if I use the map is giving me errors like: ERROR: XMLMap for output table COUNTRY requested but that table did not exist in the XMLMap output section. Or: Any idea on how to do it? Thanks
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