Hi all, Please help me with the following model: (DRUG:aspirin, paracetamol,ibuprofen CHANGE:increased, decreased, unchanged AGE:continous variable BASE_VALUE:Continous variable NO_INJECT:continous COVARIATE:0,1) proc logistic data=new descending; CLASS drug(Ref='Aspirin') / Param=REF; MODEL change= Age base_value No_inject drug Age*drug covariate/expb; run; When I used the above code, I didnot get ODDS Ratio for variables in Interaction, so I used ods graphics on; proc logistic data=PrepAMDONLY21 plots(only)=(oddsratio(range=clip))descending; class Txtype /param=ref; model Change_VA1YR_Outcome = Age drug Base_value No_inject Age*drug covariate; oddsratio drug; oddsratio Age; oddsratio Base_value; oddsratio No_inject; oddsratio Covariate; contrast 'Pairwise Paracetamol vs Aspirin' drug 1 0 / estimate=exp; contrast 'Pairwise Ibuprofen vs Aspirin' drug 0 1 / estimate=exp; contrast 'Pairwise Paracetamol vs Ibuprofen ' drug 1 -1 / estimate=exp; run; ods graphics off; Please let me know if this is correct!? Attached is the interpretation. Please help me out with the intrepretation if the model is correct. Thansk in Advance, Yra
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