Hi Guys, I have a macro with do loop inside. I would like to change order of executing do loop. I need to run first proc report (where = _trt =1) five times (for each age_n group) and then execute second proc report five times also for each age_n group. Dummy code is presented below. Thanks for your help ! Order of proc report should be like : _trt 1 , age_n =1 _trt 1 , age_n =2 _trt 1 , age_n =3 _trt 1 , age_n =4 _trt 1 , age_n =5 _trt 2 , age_n =1 _trt 2 , age_n =2 _trt 2 , age_n =3 _trt 2 , age_n =4 _trt 2 , age_n =5 data a; do i = 1 to 5; y = i; _trt=1; output; end; run; data b; do i = 1 to 5; y = i; _trt=2; output; end; run; data c; set a b; rename i = age_n; run; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct age_n) into: n from c; quit; options spool mprint mlogic symbolgen; %macro test; %do i=1 %to &n; proc report data=c (where=(_trt=1 and age_n=&i)) headline missing nowindows split='|'; by age_n; column age_n y _trt; define _trt / display; define age_n / display; define y / display; run; proc report data=c (where=(_trt=2 and age_n=&i)) headline missing nowindows split='|'; by age_n; column age_n y _trt; define _trt / display; define nage / display; define y / display; run; %end; %mend; %test;
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