Doc, Here's something you can try. Create a program node with this code (as an example): ods listing gpath='c:\temp' style=htmlblue; ods graphics on / scale=on imagefmt=emf imagename='hist'; proc sgplot; histogram msrp; density msrp; run; The GPATH option tells SAS where to put your graph files, and it's a SAS session file path. So if your SAS server is remote, you'll need to use a file path that you can get to later on that server (perhaps a network share). The IMAGEFMT option is set to EMF, which PowerPoint likes and should scale well. Before you run this program, click on the Properties icon in the program editor view (top right side of the toolbar on the top of the window). Change the results properties to override the output options (not use the app preferences) and select just Text as output. In this program, you're creating only charts and nothing else of interest, right? Good luck! Chris P.S. I attached a screen shot of the resulting image in PowerPoint. I inserted the same EMF file twice, then used PPT to size one of them down as inset to the other, and zoomed in. Hopefully you can see that the vector images scale clearly.
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