I have managed to get an output of this coding which indicates which model with parameter p,d and h is the best fit model. However, I am stucked on how to forecast the future price with lead=6 with the p=8, d=8 and h=1. Can anyone help me out ? I am using SAS 9.4 and this model is functional coefficient autoregressive model. The coding for fiding the best fit model is as follow: proc import out=pepper datafile='C:\Downloads\WPJan97toDec15.xls' dbms=excel replace; sheet='Sheet1'; getnames=yes; run; proc print data=pepper; run; Proc iml; use pepper; read all into y; pdh=j(1,4,999); print pdh; APEh=j(4,1,0); print APEh; u0=sum(y)/nrow(y); n=nrow(y); sum=sum(y); print sum; print n; print u0; do p=1 to 8; do d=1 to p; x0=j(nrow(y),p,0); do i= p+1 to nrow(y); x0[i,]=y[i-1:i-p]`; end; do h=0.1 to 1 by 0.1; do j=1 to 4; t=nrow(y)-(7*j); n=t-p; x=j(t,p,0); u=j(t,1,0); do i= p+1 to t; x[i,]=y[i-1:i-p]`; u[i]=y[i-d]; end; x1=x[p+1:t,]; u1=u[p+1:t,]; w=j(n,n,0); w1=j(n,1,0); x2=j(n,p,1); do i=1 to n; ind=(u1[i]-u0)/h; if (ind<=1) then do; w[i,i]=(0.75/h)*(1-((u1[i]-u0)*(u1[i]-u0))/(h*h)); w1[i,]=w[i,i]; x2[i,]=x1[i,]*(u1[i]-u0); end; else do; w[i,i]=0; w1[i,]=w[i,i]; x2[i,]=x1[i,]*(u1[i]-u0); end; end; Xcurl=j(n,2*p,0); xcurl=xl||x2; y1=y[p+1:t,]; beta=inv(xcurl`*w*xcurl)*(xcurl`*w*y1); beta1=beta[1: p,]; yhat=xcurl*beta; error=y1-yhat; apeerror=j(7,1,0); apeerror=error[n-7*j+1:n-7*j+7,]; APEh[j]=(1/7)*apeerror`*apeerror; end; APE=sum(APEh)/4; pdh=pdh//(p||d||h||APE); end; end; end; pdh=pdh[2:nrow(pdh),]; minAPE=min(pdh[,4]); do i=1 to nrow(pdh); if (pdh[i,4]=minAPE) then rw=i; end; result=pdh[rw,]; print beta1;
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