We've recently installed SAS 9.4.TS1M4. When trying to GEOCODE 4 MM rows of data the proc hangs up. It reached 5% at one point and appears to get increasingly slow between % readouts in the log. Eventually it hangs altogether. We are using StreetLookupData_94-2016 address files and Proc coding log and results are below. If I add obs then things seem to finish relatively fast. I've seen board posting about freeze issues with prior SAS releases; just wondering if this release has the same issues. Any help would be appreciated. 23 proc GEOCODE 24 method=street /* Geocoding method */ 25 data=geoData.PAT_ADDRESS (obs=5000) /* Input address data */ 26 out=geoData.PAT_ADDRESS_GEO /* Geocoded output data set*/ 27 lookupstreet=streetdl.usm /* Tiger 2016 data set */ 28 /*attribute_var=(tracte00) /* Added output variables */ 29 ; 30 run; NOTE: Address data set GEODATA.PAT_ADDRESS has 3,891,171 observations. _________________ Geocoding Progress _____________________ _____ Completed ____ _____________ Time _______________ Percent Obs Current Remaining Completion 0% 0 07:09:20 -- -- 100% 5,000 07:12:39 00:00:00 -- _________ Geocoding Summary _____________________________ Address data: GEODATA.PAT_ADDRESS Output data: GEODATA.PAT_ADDRESS_GEO STREET lookup data: STREETDL.USM CITY lookup data: MAPSGFK.USCITY_ALL ZIP lookup data: SASHELP.ZIPCODE Geocoding method: Street level Run date: 09Mar2017 Obs processed: 5,000 Elapsed time: 00:03:19 Obs per minute: 1,505 Street matches: 2,846 ZIP matches: 1,954 City matches: 87 Not matched: 113
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