Dear All, I need help to have access of to SAS Visual Analytics for Academy of Data Sciences - Module 1 - Course 2 - Exploring Data with SAS Visual Analytics, the instructions on "Required setup - ..." and on Chapter 1 - "Activity" on "Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page" starts with the following instructions (see also screen shot attached) "1. Open Internet Explorer from the task bar; 2. From the browser window, select SASVisual/AnalyticsHub from the bookmarks bar." I am working from a macbook pro using Safari browser. First, I do not have Internet Explorer, second, the second point seems odd. I am wondering if the mentioned instruction is consistent with Academy of Data Sciences e-learning course settings. Unless I missed it, I could not find anywhere in the Academy of Data Science portal, clear instructions how to access SAS Visual Analytics from Safari. Thank you in advance for your help. Kind Regards Aldir
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