Hello, I have been searching from some resources, but seem to be stuck. I am looking at a treatment program (variable name is trtprogram) from 2000 (time 0) to 2007 (time 7). People could have been in (coded as 1) and out of the treatment program (coded as 0). But, I want to see it's affect on the outcome (variable name is: cd4). I am using a quadratic model because it fits the data the best. How do I best write and interepret this data? Below is my hypothesis but I am not sure if this is taking into account the time-varying predictor (trtprogram). proc mixed data = work noclprint covtest; class id trtprogram (ref='0'); model cd4 = time time2 trtprogram trtprogram*time trtprogram*time2/ ddfm=bw solution cl; random intercept time time2/subject = id type = un; run;
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