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- Posted Re: What is the max length of the source/target file path in SAS Enterprise Guide Copy Task ? on SAS Enterprise Guide. 05-11-2022 11:18 PM
- Posted Re: What is the max length of the source/target file path in SAS Enterprise Guide Copy Task ? on SAS Enterprise Guide. 05-11-2022 05:23 PM
- Got a Like for Re: Enterprise Guide option to auto-scroll to bottom of log instead of top after code finishes runni. 04-19-2022 01:46 AM
- Got a Like for Enterprise Guide option to auto-scroll to bottom of log instead of top after code finishes running. 04-19-2022 01:45 AM
- Liked Re: Add window functions in SAS SQL for Quentin. 02-14-2022 08:41 AM
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- Got a Like for Enterprise Guide option to auto-scroll to bottom of log instead of top after code finishes running. 08-26-2021 10:09 AM
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11:18 PM
Thanks, @ChrisHemedinger. I'll put in a ticket with tech support.
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05:23 PM
@ChrisHemedinger, I ran into this same issue today and it looks like there may be a bug in the Copy Files task that is unrelated to the Windows max path length. After some testing, it appears the path length limit is just 200 chars (not 260) when the option "Resolve SAS macro variables in source and destination paths" is turned on. (With that option turned off, it worked for me all the way up to 259 chars, at which point Windows was preventing me from increasing the file name length due to the OS limit.)
With a 200-char path and the resolve macro vars option turned on, the log shows everything worked fine:
Bumping up the path length one more char, to 201, it failed:
It looks like a bug with how the task is handling the source path, since lines 20-22 in the failure log show the correct 201-char path, but lines 29 and 32 show that the first 200 chars of the path got clipped off, leaving just a single char. I tested with additional path lengths beyond 201, and it was consistently dropping the first 200 chars, so a path length of 206, for example, became 6.
EG version = 8.3 Update 5 ( (64-bit)
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09:27 PM
It's also present in that list window in EG 8.3 Update 2. I really should have looked there in the first place before assuming Ctrl+E was available... 😉
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01:23 AM
Oops, thanks again, @SASKiwi! I hadn't been aware of that one. Good to know! I've edited my above post to use Ctrl+Q instead.
(It looks like Ctrl+E is missing from SAS's documentation page for EG's shortcuts at https://documentation.sas.com/?activeCdc=egdoccdc&cdcId=egcdc&cdcVersion=8.3&docsetId=ega11y&docsetTarget=ega11y.htm&locale=en#n1trj0zraqsv83n17jwpj3h2ztzx, although oddly enough that page does have Shift+Ctrl+E for stepping to the previous summary item.)
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10:20 PM
Thanks, @SASKiwi.
I created a SASware ballot for this at https://communities.sas.com/t5/SASware-Ballot-Ideas/Enterprise-Guide-option-to-auto-scroll-to-bottom-of-log-instead/idi-p/730564.
In the meantime, in case anyone finds it useful, here is a simple AutoHotkey script to scroll to the bottom of the log. It uses Ctrl + E Ctrl + Q as the hotkey (which I don't think conflicts with any built-in EG hotkeys). It assumes the Program Editor has the focus when the hotkey is pressed, and returns focus to the Program Editor at the end.
; Ctrl + Q = Scroll to end of Log in SAS EG. Assumes Program Editor has the focus, and returns focus to Program Editor at end.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe SEGuide.exe
Sleep, 50
Send {F6} ; Switch focus from Program Editor to Log
Sleep, 50
Send, {CtrlDown}{End}{CtrlUp} ; Go to end of Log
Sleep, 50
Send, {ShiftDown}{F6}{ShiftUp} ; Switch focus back to Program Editor
Sleep, 50
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01:19 PM
Hi all,
In EG, is it possible to have the log default to being scrolled to the bottom instead of the top after a program finishes running?
Reason I ask is because usually I'm most interested in seeing what it says at the bottom of the log rather than the top (e.g., to see the record count in the last table created, or the terminal error message if an ABORT CANCEL was hit, etc.).
I know it's "not that hard" to get to the bottom of the log manually by:
using the scroll bar, or
clicking in the log pane and pressing Ctrl + End, or
pressing F6 and then Ctrl + End.
However, it does become somewhat tedious to have to do that over and over again after each code run.
I'm hoping there is already an option somewhere for this, but if not, I can submit a SASware Ballot for it.
Following are screenshots showing the default behavior and the desired behavior.
The default behavior
The desired behavior
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04:26 PM
Thanks, @SASKiwi, that one little setting you pointed out has made a HUGE improvement in the performance of our SAS web apps. Before the change, they were painfully sluggish, to the point of near unusability at times; sure enough, those log files you indicated were massive (~2 GBs). After making the change, the log files are now mere KBs and the web apps are performing so much better!
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03:17 PM
1 Like
Thanks for those concise examples, @Quentin. Tech Support confirmed there is indeed a defect leading to PROC ODSTEXT not properly handling certain string literals that contain URL-encoded text, and that the issue will hopefully be addressed in a future release. (No version details at this time.) In the meantime, three workarounds for the issue are: 1.) double the percent signs in the string literal, proc odstext;
p 'A%%201%%20B';
run; 2.) pass the non-encoded string literal to the URLENCODE function in the P statement, rather than calling %SYSFUNC(URLENCODE(...)) within the string literal, proc odstext;
p urlencode('A 1 B');
run; 3.) or store the encoded string in a data set variable and reference that variable in the P statement, rather than using a string literal. data foo;
s = urlencode('A 1 B');
proc odstext data=foo;
p s;
run; All three of the above examples produce the same desired result: A%201%20B
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08:57 AM
Thanks for taking a look, @Patrick. I just opened a ticket with Tech Support and will report back when I have more info.
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07:05 PM
1 Like
Hello, When using PROC ODSTEXT's P statement with strings containing %SYSFUNC(URLENCODE(...)), I'm getting unexpected results in certain cases. In particular, if the string being encoded has one or more digits and those digits are surrounded on both sides by a space, the digits and one of the spaces do not appear in the resulting text. An example: data foo;
s = urlencode('abc 123 xyz.txt');
s2 = "%sysfunc(urlencode(abc 123 xyz.txt))";
proc odstext data=foo;
* First two work, third one loses the 123 and a space. ;
p s;
p s2;
p "%sysfunc(urlencode(abc 123 xyz.txt))";
* First one works, second one loses the 1 and a space. ;
p "%sysfunc(urlencode(this works just fine))";
p "%sysfunc(urlencode(this 1 has an issue))";
run; Is this the expected behavior? As the above example illustrates, it is possible to work around this issue by storing the encoded text in a data set first, but it does not seem that such an approach should be necessary, should it? This issue (or one very similar) appears to have also been encountered by @Quentin in this post. In that case, the resolution was to use the URL style. In my current case, that would not be applicable because the content I need to output is not being displayed as a clickable hyperlink to the user; rather, I am sending the content as a response from a stored process, and the client browser will be accessing the returned URL directly, without any interaction from the user. I'm on SAS 9.4M5. Thanks, Jake
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05:44 PM
Greetings, I'm wondering whether it is possible to leverage the SAS Add-in for Excel to run "raw" SAS code directly from VBA? For example, I would like to have a VBA macro like the following (which references a hypothetical SubmitCode method): Public Sub foo()
Dim sas As SASExcelAddIn
Set sas = Application.COMAddIns.Item("SAS.ExcelAddIn").Object
sas.SubmitCode "%let foo=bar;"
End Sub I'm not finding any method within the AMO documentation that would perform the role of that hypothetical SubmitCode method. I'm aware that running code in this way is doable using the SAS OLE automation object (http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/hostwin/69955/HTML/default/viewer.htm#n11qaawfl1x9d6n1p3omjbc9ogi0.htm), but I would prefer to stick with AMO since I already have other code using AMO and would like to have the same SAS workspace "behind the scenes", in order to have the same work library throughout the process. Thanks for any help, Jake
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10:07 AM
Thanks, Gregor. We're still on 7.4 at my office, but it's good to know that option is available in 8.2.
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09:46 PM
I recognize that this is an old post, but it was never answered and I'm facing the same problem right now. Does anyone have a solution for this?
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11:50 AM
I'm facing this same issue -- need to disable the ability to download detailed data on a map. Is this functionality available in VA yet?
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11:09 AM
I was coming across the same issue if I did not include the appSwitcherDisabled=true parameter in the url. Adding that parameter fixed the problem.
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