Hello everyone, I am learning how to get and organize some online information by using SAS macro, and need some help. Thank you very much in advance. Question 1: How to generate links which include two parts (1) & (2)? In part (2), "???" refers to more than 10,000 usernames saved in another other dataset named work. reviewers. The "..." is codes for grabing data wanted and has been tested for grabing information in individual page already (so I omitted it here). The ideal outcome is that SAS goes into the profile of each reviewer's page and combine their information in one file. I have no idea how to incorporate work. reviewers into this macro and make it work...... (1) %let urlbegin=https://www.websites.com/name=; (2) %let urlend=???; %let savename= test; %macro reviewers(firstcounter,pages,site,reviewers,run); %let counter=&firstcounter; %do %until (&counter>&pages); filename indata url "&urlbegin&counter&urlend"; ...... %let counter=%eval(&counter+1); %end; %mend reviewers; %allbags(1,1,reviews,test,1to1); Question 2: How to sum up records? Suppose dataset work.fees contains several records of the same reviewer regarding the membership fees he/she paid in the past 5 years, how could I create a file which just has the name of the reviewer and the total amount they paid? Some reviewers are new, so they may have only one record; while some are senior and have more than one records......
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