So I was trying to convert multiple XPT files in one folder into SAS datasets using the macro below. And I used proc copy basically. Because all XPT files ended up with the same name, I only one SAS dataset after running the macro. But I finally was able to understand the macro and added a data step in the macro to change each dataset's name. It worked! /* Macro using PROC COPY and the XPORT engine for reading transport files*/ %macro drive(dir,ext,out); %let filrf=mydir; /* Assigns the fileref of mydir to the directory and opens the directory */ %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,&dir)); %let did=%sysfunc(dopen(&filrf)); /* Returns the number of members in the directory */ %let memcnt=%sysfunc(dnum(&did)); /* Loops through entire directory */ %do i = 1 %to &memcnt; /* Returns the extension from each file */ %let name=%qscan(%qsysfunc(dread(&did,&i)),-1,.); /* Checks to see if file contains an extension */ %if %qupcase(%qsysfunc(dread(&did,&i))) ne %qupcase(&ext) %then %do; /* Checks to see if the extension matches the parameter value */ /* If condition is true, submit PROC COPY statement */ %if (%superq(ext) ne and %qupcase(&name) = %qupcase(&ext)) or (%superq(ext) = and %superq(name) ne) %then %do; libname old xport "&dir.\%qsysfunc(dread(&did,&i))"; libname new "&out"; proc copy in=old out=new; run; data new.CNTY&i; set new.trnsport; run; %end; %end; %end; /* Close the directory */ %let rc=%sysfunc(dclose(&did)); /* END MACRO */ %mend drive; /* Macro call */ /*First parameter is the source folder, the second parameter is extension being */ /*searched for, and the third parameter is the target directory for the */ /*converted files. */ %drive(C:\temp,xpt,C:\temp\) As you mentioned proc cport, what is the difference between proc copy and proc cport?
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