please help - i pulling data from oracle table with two condition - date and card_nbr oracle table looks like this; date card_nbr 09Feb14 1234 09Feb15 5678 10Feb14 9875 09Feb14 1934 09Feb15 1678 11Feb14 0875 i am trying to run code like this to pull some specific in between date data options mprint mlogic symbolgen; data _null_; tempdate_1=intnx('day',today(),-172); tempdate_2=intnx('day',today(),-170); call symput('date1',put(tempdate_1,yymmdd10.)); call symput('date2',put(tempdate_2,yymmdd10.)); run; /*oracle connection detail goes here*/ data test; set oracle.table; if date (between &date1 and &date2) and card_nbr in (0875 1234 5678); run; /*it is giving me 0 records even after date1 resolve to 2014-02-09 and date2 resolves to 2014-02-11*/ is my syntax is wrong?
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