Hi, I have a dataset as follows, the variable 'w' has already been sorted, and I want to group them according to the values of 'value' and generate a new variable 'nw', and 'nw' should be given as the last w whose value is less than or equal to 200, and for those values large than 200, stay the same. It's really hard to describe here. w value abate 200 abbreviations 50 abdomen 20 abdominal 110 abelcet 100 aberrant 100 abiraterone 100 abl1 100 ablation 210 abnormal 30 abo 780 abscission 260 absence 100 absenteeism 140 absorption 130 abstinence 150 abstracting 110 academia 210 academic 30 academy 600 acceleration 180 access 130 accessibility 100 accident 200 accidents 230 accountability 50 accounting 100 accreditation 230 acculturation 30 ace 600 acetates 920 acetazolamide 310 acetic 110 acetone 210 acetyl 50 acetylaminofluorene 200 acetylatio 230 acetylation 200 bupropion 550 burden 560 burkitt's 230 burn 300 burns 140 businesses 550 butanoic 800 butterflies 500 butyrates 100 butyric 450 butyryl 800 bypass 330 bystander 300 c 300 c2 130 c2h2 150 c3h 250 c57bl 720 That is to say, I want to have something like: w value nw abate 200 abl1 abbreviations 50 abl1 abdomen 20 abl1 abdominal 110 abl1 abelcet 100 abl1 aberrant 100 abl1 abiraterone 100 abl1 abl1 100 abl1 ablation 210 ablation abnormal 30 abnormal abo 780 abo abscission 260 abscission absence 100 abstracting absenteeism 140 abstracting absorption 130 abstracting abstinence 150 abstracting abstracting 110 abstracting academia 210 academia academic 30 academic academy 600 academy acceleration 180 accident access 130 accident accessibility 100 accident accident 200 accident accidents 230 accidents accountability 50 accounting accounting 100 accounting accreditation 230 accreditation acculturation 30 acculturation ace 600 ace acetates 920 acetates acetazolamide 310 acetazolamide acetic 110 acetic acetone 210 acetone acetyl 50 acetylaminofluorene acetylaminofluorene 200 acetylaminofluorene acetylatio 230 acetylatio acetylation 200 acetylation bupropion 550 bupropion burden 560 burden burkitt's 230 burkitt's burn 300 burn burns 140 burns businesses 550 businesses butanoic 800 butanoic butterflies 500 butterflies butyrates 100 butyrates butyric 450 butyric butyryl 800 butyryl bypass 330 bypass bystander 300 bystander c 300 c c2 130 c2h2 c2h2 150 c2h2 c3h 250 c3h c57bl 720 c57bl All the things that came into my mind is to use sort but I don't think it worked. It seems like I cannot sort by the 'values' since I have sorted the data by'w', can someone help me out? Really appreciated.
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