We have to produce a number of pie charts where we show the value inside the slices and the percentages outside. The values are in the European notation so with a comma for separating the decimals and periods for separating the…. whatever you call them in English 😉 Now, the percentages created by proc gchart are in the standard format with the period separating the decimals. Up until now we got away with that because they were clearly percentages and did not confuse any readers. The periods and commas are very small so nobody noticed the difference. However, in some cases proc gchart suddenly decides to show 3 decimals in the percentages instead of 2. For instance, it will show 23.136% on the outside and 536.822 on the inside of a slice. This is confusing for the readers and is thus unacceptable. Apparently there is no way to set the format for percentages on a pie chart. Yes, you can create a dataset where the percentages become data themselves and show that in a pie chart. But then you can’t show the original values in that same pie. So that is not an option. The only other idea I can think of is the annotate option… and I hate annotate. It always makes me swear and scream at the screen because it never does what I want. And the documentation on annotate is horrible. So before heading down that path: is there any other way to influence the format of the percentages? If not, is there a clear example of adding percentages to a pie chart with annotate? I noticed that you can’t use coordinate systems 1, 2, 7 and 8 on pie charts, and that would probably make it hard to achieve.
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