I just tried lpsolve in IML on SAS University Edition. It fails with "ERROR: out of memory", apparently regardless of the number of variables. I've tried increasing the sizes on IML to no avail. I wonder if changing the memsize option would work. I don't see how to do that under VirtualBox though. In fact, some comments indicate that SAS has actually locked us out 'because UE is only for smallish programs'. It's not clear to me that lpsolve would run on my config regardless of problem size. Is there a way to change memsize on UE/VirtualBox setup? Is that really what is needed? Thanks, Duane Release: 3.5 (Basic Edition) Supported browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 Mozilla Firefox 21+ Google Chrome 27+ Apple Safari 6.0+ (on Apple OS X) Build date: Feb 3, 2016 10:49:31 PM SAS Mid-tier release: Jan 13, 2016 7:00:00 PM Java Version: 1.7.0_76 SAS release: 9.04.01M3P06242015 SAS platform: Linux LIN X64 2.6.32-573.26.1.el6.x86_64 Site name: UNIVERSITY EDITION 2.3 9.4M3 Site number: xxxxxxxx Copyright © 2012-2016, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. 94 proc iml symspace=256000000 workspace=256000000 worksize=256000000; NOTE: Assuming that the number is given in bytes and not kilobytes. NOTE: Assuming that the number is given in bytes and not kilobytes. NOTE: Assuming that the number is given in bytes and not kilobytes. NOTE: Worksize = 256000000 NOTE: Symbol size = 256000000 NOTE: IML Ready 95 use lib.raw; 96 read all var {U } into u; 97 read all var {Score } into c; 98 read all var {G I GI In Inv M} into a; 99 a = a`; 100 b = {.3, .2, .1, .14, .45, .45}; 101 leg={G , G , G , G , G , G }; 102 ctrl = {-1,1}; 102 ! /* maximize objective, print some details */ 103 104 call lpsolve(rc, objVal, result, dual, reducost, 105 c, a, b, 106 ctrl, 107 leg,,,u); ERROR: Out of memory. NOTE: Number of iterations = 0. NOTE: Time used (secs) = 0.00. 108 print rc objVal, result[rowname={x1 x2}]; 109 110 111 OPTIONS NONOTES NOSTIMER NOSOURCE NOSYNTAXCHECK;
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