Hi I am trying to merge two data sets (something I have done 500 times). The field I am trying to add to the first from the second is not copying correctly in that the values are not matching correctly based on the 'by' variable. I have tried it several different ways and nothing seems to work. Anyone see anything? Its the AppearCount variable that I want to add and the values for it are not matching. Also the second data set (appearances2bt1) is actually a subset of the first. Paul proc sort data=appearances2b; by docket_id; run; proc sort data=appearances2bt1; by docket_id; run; data AppearanceAttendDen; length EventType $ 50; merge appearances2b (in=a) appearances2bt1 (keep=docket_id AppearCount); if a; by docket_id; if event in ("AAD","AHR","ACT","AIQ","ANE","ANH","ACD","AHY","ASJ") then EventType="Adjudication"; if event in ("DDD","DRR","DPP","DTP","DAJ","DSP","DDS","DOR", "DWD") then EventType="Disposition"; if event in ("XCA","XRF","XRL","XGA","XAP","XRM","XOT") then EventType="Exit"; if event in ("PHR","PHC") then EventType="PermanencyHearing"; drop AGEOUT IY NYC FCOUNT OCOUNT SCOUNT TCOUNT PCOUNT HCOUNT DURCAT_ADJUD_DISPO1 DURCAT_ADJUD1 DUR_PL1 DURCAT_PL1 PLACE_CAT1 TADJUD_FLAG CENSOR_TADJUD1 CENSOR_TADJUD1 DURCAT_TADJUD_TDISPO1 DURCAT_TADJUD_TDISPO1 durmod durmod_cat state link ageout count fcount_notpr place_end1 help durmoa durmoa_cat exit_pl1 stop_pl1 place1y; run;
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