Dear Community, Just wanted to follow up on this question as I received the solution from SAS Tech Support Team.
The solution was pretty simple - adding an extra numeric variable to the dataset HAVE (order=_n_) then define this variable in proc report as internal ordering variable (define order / order order=internal noprint;).
The full code is below:
data have;
set have;
ods tagsets.excelxp file = "C:\Users\Desktop\test\Score_tables.xml" style=listing
options(sheet_name= "Table 3 - Categorical" embedded_titles = "on" embedded_footnotes = "on" Merge_Titles_Footnotes = "on" missing_align= 'center' Row_Heights='24,16,0,32,32,0,0' Skip_Space= '0,0,0,1,1');
proc report data= have style(report)={background=white borderrightcolor=white borderleftcolor=white bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black bordertopwidth=1pt borderbottomwidth=1pt}
style(header)={height=24pt font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt background=white borderrightcolor=white borderleftcolor=white bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black bordertopwidth=1 borderbottomwidth=1} ;
column order label N cat1 cat2 cat3;
define order / order order=internal noprint;
define Label/ " " width=25 order ;
define N/ "Total" center width=8 style(column)= {just=c font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt} display;
define cat1/ "Excellent" center width=8 style(column)= {just=c font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt} display;
define cat2/ "Good" center width=8 style(column)= {just=c font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt} display;
define cat3/ "Fair" center width=8 style(column)= {just=c font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt} display;
compute label;
if strip(label) eq "Change_from_Baseline" then call define(_col_, "style", "style=[indent=3 just=l font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt]");
else if strip(label) in ("Female", "Male") then call define(_col_, "style", "style=[indent=6 just=l font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt]");
else call define(_col_, "style", "style=[just=l font_face='TREBUCHET MS' fontsize=11pt borderleftcolor=white borderleftwidth=.5pt borderrightcolor=white borderrightwidth=.5pt]");
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
The obtained result is:
Hope this will be helpful to others too. Thank you, all, for taking time to answer the question!
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