Stage_transfer opening_stage closing_stage opening_balance closing_balance opening_period closing_period Stage 1 to 1 1 1 37735.11 36092.9 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 1 to 2 1 2 55841.76 53787 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 1 to 3 1 3 17532.1 16256.83 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 2 to 1 2 1 17442.97 17115.08 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 2 to 2 2 2 64759.82 63959.25 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 2 to 3 2 3 35349.27 34116.02 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 3 to 1 3 1 6084.11 2227.07 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 3 to 2 3 2 57440.35 55322.16 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19 Stage 3 to 3 3 3 16304.87 14736.68 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-19
Balance business rules: balance at 1 January 2019 stage 1 (in millions) sum up the opening_balance based on opening_stage 1 e.g., sum(37735.11+55841.76+17532.1) similarly stage 2 (in millions) sum up the opening_balance based on opening_stage 2 e.g., sum(17442.97+64759.82+35349.27) stage 3 (in millions) sum up the opening_balance based on opening stage 3 e.g., sum(6084.11+57440.35+16304.87)
closing balance rules: balance at 31 December 2019 stage 1(in millions) sum up the closing_balance based on closing_stage 1 e.g., sum(36092.9+17115.08+2227.07) stage 2(in millions) sum up the closing_balance based on closing_stage 2 e.g., sum(53787+63959.25+55322.16) stage 3(in millions) sum up the closing_balance based on closing_stage 3 e.g., sum(16256.83+34116.02+14736.68)
stage transfer business rules: transfer to stage 1: sum of closing_balance horizontal 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3 2 to 1, 2 to 2, 2 to 3 3 to 1, 3 to 1, 3 to 3
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