Ah the beauty of standards! that was an entertaining thread!
Even Microsoft has varying standards for its EOL delimiter. Good stuff!
We'll never know why CP/M used both the 0D and 0A as if they used a teletypewriter.
Actually, just got me curious: it is all explained at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_feed
ASCII was developed simultaneously by the ISO and the ASA, the predecessor organization to ANSI. During the period of 1963–1968, the ISO draft standards supported the use of either CR+LF or LF alone as a newline, while the ASA drafts supported only CR+LF.
Nothing like competing standards to enhance the life of users...
>Perhaps I'm dense or inexperienced
lol Cynthia! 🙂
Jerry, as Cynthia explained, the reason EOL characters are normally not stored in sas is the same reason css was invented for html: to separate data from presentation, and the exceptions (as always, there are exceptions) are the split= option in some reporting procedures, and the ods escapechar.
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